Module structure

Click on a module component of one of the three modules to see the course description, learning objectives and relevant links

ME module 6 link
Elasticity theory link
Tribology link
Prop. & processing of polymers link
Project: Consumer products link
Project: Specializations link
IDE module 6 link
Product-market relations link
Graphic design link
Technical product modelling 2 link
Project: Consumer products link
IEM module 6 link
Product-market relations link
Production 1 link
Technical product modelling 1 link
Sustainable supply chains link
Project: Consumer products link
IDE module 2 link
Calculus 1B link
Production 1 link
Technical product modelling 1 link
Project Ideation link

Elasticity theory

In this course the linear elastic theory (Hook’s Law) is discussed and extended towards more complex 3D situations (principle stresses, etc.) This includes the use of tensors, tensor analyses and linear algebra. The student learns to apply these theories to simple constructions. During the lectures, multiple real-life examples and materials (polymers, glasses or powders) will be discussed for the student to see the applicability and importance of this course.

Learning aims
  1. Work with tensors
  2. Calculate stresses (force equilibrium, etc.)
  3. Explain occurring deformations (strain) based on material theory
  4. Apply 3D elasticity theory on components of a construction
  5. Understand and describe material behaviour other than elasticity
  6. Evaluate and understand the results of a calculation
  7. Recognize the problem at hand and simplify it based on the interpretation of elasticity theory


The focus here is the plastic surface (properties thereof) in interaction with the counter surface and, to a lesser degree, the bulk properties of the plastics (this is the subject of another course in this block). In summary, lectures basic tribology (friction and wear) and surface properties (also how to measure). Depending on the type of product chosen in this module, a lecture will be given to provide the student with specific tribo info related to the product.

Learning aims
  1. Identify a tribological system
  2. Analyze a contact by applying the Hertzian equations
  3. Understand basic friction, lubrication and wear mechanisms
  4. Understand friction phenomena as stick-slip, sliding, etc. and is able to analyze a basic mechanism in this respect
  5. Determine the life span of a component using the wear law
  6. Adapt a construction in order to minimize friction and wear

Prop. & processing of polymers

In view of the important development towards saving energy, a lot of effort has been put in reducing the weight of existing constructions. This has been an ongoing trend in the airplane industry, but this trend progresses towards more and more new products. In many cases, this weight reduction is achieved by implement lightweight polymer components. As a mechanical engineer, it is very likely that at some point in your career you will have to work with polymers. Because polymers differ significantly from metals, is it important to understand their unique properties and to already take these into account during the design phase of a product. In this series of lectures, first the chemical and physical structure of polymers is used as a basis to explain their time and temperature dependent mechanical properties. In addition, the processing step and the influence of different processing conditions on the final product are discussed.

Learning aims
  1. Indicate how the chemical and physical structure of the polymer chains affect the properties of the polymer
  2. Describe the different phase transitions and corresponding changes in physical structure and mechanical properties
  3. Use existing models for (time dependent) small deformations in plastic components (linear visco-elastic theory including Boltzmann and time-temperature superposition) in the calculation of (time dependent) deformations or stresses
  4. Use the molecular composition of the polymer to explain mechanical behaviour during large deformations and fracture
  5. Explain the behaviour of plastics during production processes and make changes to the design of the production process to prevent undesirable behaviour

Project: Consumer products

The project in module Consumer Products challenges competing groups of co-operating students from different educational programmes to meet the multi-disciplinary project assignment by developing an adequate product while explaining and underpinning the product development cycle. The assignment is a realistic design brief, provided by an industrial partner. This company can also play a role in e.g. midterm reviews and project evaluation. In the project, students 'Industrial Design Engineering', 'Industrial Engineering & Management' and 'Mechanical Engineering' conjointly participate in project groups; in principle, each project group exists of equal numbers of students of each discipline. The project relies on the student groups to plan, manage and execute the development cycle, according to their explicitly stated priorities and focal areas. The project work is supported by a number of guest lectures, workshops and practicals.

Learning aims
  1. Design and engineer a consumer product that fulfils the request of a client.
  2. Select and set priorities in a plethora of relevant design aspects in the form of deliverables towards a client for a new and mass-producible product.
  3. Integrate and employ knowledge from different fields of expertise (like marketing, styling, CAD/CAM, intellectual property, packaging, production, supply chains, research methodology, etc.)
  4. Document a product and its development cycle such that selected priorities and design choices are underpinned and can be discussed easily with representatives from a diverse audience.
  5. Present and communicate a product and development in a convincing and coherent way.
  6. Concurrently pay attention to subject-matters and organizational aspects (project planning, reflection on intermediary results and project management).
  7. Display interest and takes action to plug gaps in own-knowledge by self-study, enquiry or experimentation.
  8. Work as a member of an interdisciplinary team and reflect on the consequences of interdisciplinarity on the team cooperation and performance
  9. Reflect on his/her own discipline and its unique contribution (added value) to the design
  10. Perform a patent study about a product concept or about components of the product design.

Project: Specializations

The project in module Consumer Products challenges competing groups of co-operating students from different educational programmes to meet the multi-disciplinary project assignment by developing an adequate product while explaining and underpinning the product development cycle. The assignment is a realistic design brief, provided by an industrial partner. This company can also play a role in e.g. midterm reviews and project evaluation. In the project, students 'Industrial Design Engineering', 'Industrial Engineering & Management' and 'Mechanical Engineering' conjointly participate in project groups; in principle, each project group exists of equal numbers of students of each discipline. The project relies on the student groups to plan, manage and execute the development cycle, according to their explicitly stated priorities and focal areas. The project work is supported by a number of guest lectures, workshops and practicals.

Learning aims
  1. See osiris for learning objectives per specialization

Product-market relations

This course is aimed at teaching students the fundamental basics of marketing and introduces some relevant models and analysis techniques used in new product development and -introduction.

Learning aims
  1. Explain core concepts of marketing theory
  2. Address the business and brand strategy, and assess the market situation
  3. Conduct and interpret market research, obtain insights in customer behaviour, and design a marketing plan
  4. Use research (market and consumer) to inform the product development
  5. Apply key concepts of marketing theory to increase the odds of the market success of a product (e.g., define place, price and promotional strategies)

Graphic design

This module part concerns the ordering of text and images, like photo illustrations, cards and other visual means in the 2D field. The focus is on printed graphical language, like business cards, posters, magazines, brochures, reports etc.

Learning aims
  1. Produce well designed and legible visual media such as printed matter, digital report or website
  2. Provide graphic support for a product presentation
  3. Design product information such as usage, safety, and legal aspects
  4. Communicate and collaborate with professional graphic designers

Technical product modelling 2

Nowadays, computer tools are essential during the product development process (design and production processes). They integrate different processes in the product development process so that products are developed more effectively. This course pays attention to a number of aspects of the technical product development process. Also different advanced 3D modelling techniques are an important part of this course. The student becomes acquainted with methods and techniques which play an important role in CAD and CAM in mechanical engineering and industrial design engineering. The course aims on the role of CAD in the product development process by looking at amongst others: design processes and types of design models; modelling of geometry like curves, surfaces or solids; storage, management and use of design data; exchange of product data; finite element analysis; design efficiency and the possibilities of different technologies. The assignment focusses on modelling of complex assemblies, with a special focus on modular and flexible modelling so that assemblies can be redesigned quickly and easily. Also renderings, animations and simulations (strength/stiffness) are part of the assignment.

Learning aims
  1. Describe development processes and development phases in an interrelated manner
  2. Describe and apply different methods and techniques (curves, surfaces and solids) that are used in CAD/CAM systems.
  3. Describe possible ways to exchange data between different software tools (CAD, analysis, manufacturing) and select appropriate methods.
  4. Describe and apply rendering techniques
  5. Describe and apply modern methods and techniques in technical product modelling
  6. Apply feature based modelling techniques and employ them to make doubly curved surfaces
  7. Build large assemblies in such a way that they can easily be adapted (e.g. in case of re-design)

Project: Consumer products

The project in module Consumer Products challenges competing groups of co-operating students from different educational programmes to meet the multi-disciplinary project assignment by developing an adequate product while explaining and underpinning the product development cycle. The assignment is a realistic design brief, provided by an industrial partner. This company can also play a role in e.g. midterm reviews and project evaluation. In the project, students 'Industrial Design Engineering', 'Industrial Engineering & Management' and 'Mechanical Engineering' conjointly participate in project groups; in principle, each project group exists of equal numbers of students of each discipline. The project relies on the student groups to plan, manage and execute the development cycle, according to their explicitly stated priorities and focal areas. The project work is supported by a number of guest lectures, workshops and practicals.

Learning aims
  1. Design and engineer a consumer product that fulfils the request of a client.
  2. Select and set priorities in a plethora of relevant design aspects in the form of deliverables towards a client for a new and mass-producible product.
  3. Integrate and employ knowledge from different fields of expertise (like marketing, styling, CAD/CAM, intellectual property, packaging, production, supply chains, research methodology, etc.)
  4. Document a product and its development cycle such that selected priorities and design choices are underpinned and can be discussed easily with representatives from a diverse audience.
  5. Present and communicate a product and development in a convincing and coherent way.
  6. Concurrently pay attention to subject-matters and organizational aspects (project planning, reflection on intermediary results and project management).
  7. Display interest and takes action to plug gaps in own-knowledge by self-study, enquiry or experimentation.
  8. Work as a member of an interdisciplinary team and reflect on the consequences of interdisciplinarity on the team cooperation and performance
  9. Reflect on his/her own discipline and its unique contribution (added value) to the design

Product-market relations

This course is aimed at teaching students the fundamental basics of marketing and introduces some relevant models and analysis techniques used in new product development and -introduction.

Learning aims
  1. Explain core concepts of marketing theory
  2. Address the business and brand strategy, and assess the market situation
  3. Conduct and interpret market research, obtain insights in customer behaviour, and design a marketing plan
  4. Use research (market and consumer) to inform the product development
  5. Apply key concepts of marketing theory to increase the odds of the market success of a product (e.g., define place, price and promotional strategies)

Production 1

The course gives an introduction in the manufacturing of products by industrial production processes. It provides the theoretical knowledge base for these production processes as well as for the company context in which such processes are applied. With this, the course provides the background for all courses and projects that relate to the production of products. At the same time, the course is an introduction in the applicatibility of production processes in practical circumstances. Production 1 focuses on the producibility of products; in this, material characteristics like material type and crystal structures play a significant role. While taking into account these material characteristics, a variety of production processes like casting, moulding, forming, machining, joining, plastics & composites processes are explored. In the lectures the theory of the production processes is elaborated on; during the practicals the relation between the theoretical knowledge and practical situations in the workshop is established. Production I is the first course in the cycle on manufacturing engineering; as a consequence it is considered as foreknowledge for other courses in this cycle. Many other courses implicitly assume knowledge on production processes and techniques; this course provides the knowledge.

Learning aims
  1. Distinguish and describe the various production processes for discrete production
  2. Recognise and explain the (dis)similarities between the various production processes
  3. Select feasible/applicable production processes for a product while being able to underpin that selection
  4. Relate material characteristics to (the feasibility/applicability of) production processes
  5. Interrelate product geometry, material and production process(es) in relation to a.o. production quantity, batch size, tolerances, accuracy, quality and cost

Technical product modelling 1

For production of components and assemblies good technical drawings are required. Just a perspective sketch is not allowed and not sufficient enough. The technical drawings are currently not drawn anymore by hand but 3D CAD systems are used to create 3D CAD models. These 3D models are the basis for the 2D technical drawings. The course aims at the technical presentation of a product for production. The course pays attention to all 2D aspects of a technical drawing, for instance projection methods, section views, dimensioning, tolerances, geometric tolerances, fit tolerances, roughness, welding symbols, etc. Another important part of the course is 3D CAD modelling. The course focusses on 3D modelling methods, like feature based design. The student learns the basic skills of feature based modelling and learns how to model 3D CAD models (parts and assemblies).

Learning aims
  1. Analyse a product and can (with that information) model a 3D CAD part model and can redefine it easily.
  2. Create assemblies in 3D CAD.
  3. Can read a technical drawing.
  4. Can apply the technical drawing rules.

Sustainable supply chains

The course aims at preparing students to apply the concept of sustainable supply chain design in their projects. Students will be provided the basic concept of sustainability and sustainable development in an introductory lesson (including the students from Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design programs). Next, the concept of supply chain design and its relation to product design phase will be discussed. In addition, strategies to recover economic value-added from secondary physical flows will be classified and their environmental and social contributions will be discussed. Efficient thinking for sustainable supply chain implementation and its connection to product life cycles will be given in order to contribute the projects of student groups. Economic and Enterprise Input-Output Modelling will be taught to monitor the sustainability of supply chains so that students can visualize the environmental, social, and economic consequences of taken decisions along supply chains.

Learning aims
  1. Describe the main concept of sustainability and the relation of products and supply chains with the sustainability concept.
  2. Apply environmentally and socially sustainable solutions in the company project (central to Module 6).
  3. Design environmentally friendly and economically efficient supply chains.
  4. Identify sustainability niches in products and relate these to circular supply chain thinking.
  5. Relate the product design phase to the supply chain design phase and execute these phases simultaneously in the company project (Module 6).

Project: Consumer products

The project in module Consumer Products challenges competing groups of co-operating students from different educational programmes to meet the multi-disciplinary project assignment by developing an adequate product while explaining and underpinning the product development cycle. The assignment is a realistic design brief, provided by an industrial partner. This company can also play a role in e.g. midterm reviews and project evaluation. In the project, students 'Industrial Design Engineering', 'Industrial Engineering & Management' and 'Mechanical Engineering' conjointly participate in project groups; in principle, each project group exists of equal numbers of students of each discipline. The project relies on the student groups to plan, manage and execute the development cycle, according to their explicitly stated priorities and focal areas. The project work is supported by a number of guest lectures, workshops and practicals.

Learning aims
  1. Design and engineer a consumer product that fulfils the request of a client.
  2. Select and set priorities in a plethora of relevant design aspects in the form of deliverables towards a client for a new and mass-producible product.
  3. Integrate and employ knowledge from different fields of expertise (like marketing, styling, CAD/CAM, intellectual property, packaging, production, supply chains, research methodology, etc.)
  4. Document a product and its development cycle such that selected priorities and design choices are underpinned and can be discussed easily with representatives from a diverse audience.
  5. Present and communicate a product and development in a convincing and coherent way.
  6. Concurrently pay attention to subject-matters and organizational aspects (project planning, reflection on intermediary results and project management).
  7. Display interest and takes action to plug gaps in own-knowledge by self-study, enquiry or experimentation.
  8. Work as a member of an interdisciplinary team and reflect on the consequences of interdisciplinarity on the team cooperation and performance
  9. Reflect on his/her own discipline and its unique contribution (added value) to the design

Calculus 1B

Production 1

The course gives an introduction in the manufacturing of products by industrial production processes. It provides the theoretical knowledge base for these production processes as well as for the company context in which such processes are applied. With this, the course provides the background for all courses and projects that relate to the production of products. At the same time, the course is an introduction in the applicatibility of production processes in practical circumstances. Production 1 focuses on the producibility of products; in this, material characteristics like material type and crystal structures play a significant role. While taking into account these material characteristics, a variety of production processes like casting, moulding, forming, machining, joining, plastics & composites processes are explored. In the lectures the theory of the production processes is elaborated on; during the practicals the relation between the theoretical knowledge and practical situations in the workshop is established. Production I is the first course in the cycle on manufacturing engineering; as a consequence it is considered as foreknowledge for other courses in this cycle. Many other courses implicitly assume knowledge on production processes and techniques; this course provides the knowledge.

Learning aims

Technical product modelling 1

For production of components and assemblies good technical drawings are required. Just a perspective sketch is not allowed and not sufficient enough. The technical drawings are currently not drawn anymore by hand but 3D CAD systems are used to create 3D CAD models. These 3D models are the basis for the 2D technical drawings. The course aims at the technical presentation of a product for production. The course pays attention to all 2D aspects of a technical drawing, for instance projection methods, section views, dimensioning, tolerances, geometric tolerances, fit tolerances, roughness, welding symbols, etc. Another important part of the course is 3D CAD modelling. The course focusses on 3D modelling methods, like feature based design. The student learns the basic skills of feature based modelling and learns how to model 3D CAD models (parts and assemblies).

Learning aims

Project Ideation

In this project, you will work towards a concept design of which you will create a simple visual model. The project kick start familiarized you with the various phases of the design process. This project will once again go into the various design phases. This project will end at the concept phase. In the next project, you will work in groups to develop a concept into a working prototype.

Learning aims

Important aspects of the module structure

Overlap between programmes

Students participate in several related module components. The module components for each educational programme, and the overlap between these components, can be seen in figure above (blue for all three educational programmes, gray for a shared course with one additional education programme). As the different module components have their own dynamics and distribution over the quartile, the timetables of the participating educational programmes can only be aligned partially.

On occasion, workshops, specialisations and other lectures are scheduled in the same time slot. Like in industrial practice, each student is forced to prioritise and to weigh group interests against personal interests.

Distribution of components

The module components are evenly distributed over the quartile. The emphasis of the completion of the module components and the project is on the last weeks. The workshops are planned in such a way that the interference with important deadlines in the project and module components is minimised.

Peer learning

In the planning of workshops and other lectures, it is assumed that the members of the project groups take the responsibility to convey acquired knowledge to group members (peer-learning). With this, the inability to participate in specific educational activities not necessarily leads to a lack of knowledge.

Project planning

With respect to the project, the module is developed in such a way that the period before the Christmas holidays can be used to present a concept that is elaborated to such an extent that it can adequately be presented to the client (company) in an interactive document. This enforces the project group to make adequate progress before the holidays in order to spend the time after the holidays on detailing and visualising the concept, completing the interactive document and preparing for the project exam and fair.

Peer review

In addition to peer learning, each member of a project team is asked to review its peers twice durn this quartile. Once halfway thorugh after the elevator pitch and once at the end of the quartile. We will be using the Canvas plugin buddycheck for this purpose. Reviewing your proejct members helps in improving collaboration within a project team, especially in the inderdisciplinary setting of module 6. Recieving peer reviews aids in reflecting upon your role within the project. The peer reviews will also be used as input for the assessment of the individual grade of the project. See grading for more information on that aspect.

Specializations (ME)

ME students have to choose a specialization. Depending on the specialization, different forms of instructions will be offered, such as lectures, active lectures or colstructions. In addition, Specialist Workshops are organised where the product of collaboration between the specialists is evaluated.

Product Market Relations for IDE and IEM

The study unit Product Market Relations is both followed by IDE and IEM student. However, for IDE students this study unit is a separate course within the module. For IEM students the same study unit (with the theory, classes, assignments and exams) is part of the project.


The provided workshops are strongly related to the project exequation and/or topic. They aim to provide background information, link theory and practice or provide knowledge and competences that are important for the execution of the project. Workshops are often self-caed. IN case workshops are provided by guest lecturers, we cannot ensure that this can be planned in such way that all students can participate. Sometimes also the size of the lecture room is limiting; full is full. This will obviously not be the case for workshops that are obliged (‘Interdisciplinary methods’).

For more information, see the schedule and the canvas project page.